
In this part information can be found about my publicans
Great to see my colleagues in Sweden at the launch of the 6th edition on ‘Purchasing and Supply Chain Management’, presented in November 2016, at Stockholm, Gothenburg and Warzaw
‘Purchasing and Supply Chain Management’ is available in the following languages: Dutch (since 1986), English (since 1992), Chinese (since 2003), Slovenian (2012), Swedish (since 2012), Norwegian (since 2013), Turkish (since 2014) and German (2017).
Picture on the left: together with prof dr Frank Rozemeijer and prof dr Bjron Axelsson when presenting the first copy of Swedish edition of ‘Purchasing and Supply Management’ at EFFSO seminar, Gotenburg/Stockholm, November 2012.
Picture on the right: Prof. dr Rutkofski explains how he teaches ‘Purchasing and Supply Chain Management’ to his master students at Warzaw School of Economics, Warzaw, Poland.

Prof dr Arjan van Weele, prof.dr. Frank Rozemeijer
and prof.dr. Bjorn Axelsson around new Swedish edition
(© Ineke Vernimmen)